Monday, March 19, 2007

New Self-Diagnosis & Product Endorsement

I just couldn’t help myself this past weekend. Against all better judgment, I went on a full exploration of my mouth and on an Internet search of my symptoms. Although I’ve gotten better about not permitting myself to do this, there are times, when I just can’t help myself.

Well, after my little excursion over to the dark side, I’ve come up with a new diagnosis for my condition, and I think I’m actually on to something this time…Thrush! (Candida albicans).

While thrush can indeed be a harbinger of doom, benign things like dry mouth can also bring it on. Dry mouth is of course exacerbated by anxiety and antidepressants (not to mention regular consumption of beer/wine and smoking). The son of a former coworker of mine was once diagnosed with thrush whilst studying overseas. He was otherwise a healthy, robust 19 year-old.

The good news is that I’m an anxiety-ridden, beer & wine drinking, occasionally smoking, dry mouth sufferer. Some mornings when I wake up after a particularly bad night of mouth breathing, my tongue is painful. I’ve known this for several years now, and have become big fan of the Bioténe
product line. This stuff is great, especially the new Bioténe toothpaste for sensitive teeth. This toothpaste delivers the goods and tastes great. I recommend the Bioténe product line to dry mouth sufferers and hypochondriacs everywhere!

So ultimately I am not too freaked out by my new, self-diagnosis. BF thinks I am now completely, “barking mad”, as he considers “systemic yeast infections” the bane of nuts-cases, along with chronic fatigue disorder and fibromyalgia.

The ironic this is that 13 years ago, thrush was one of the imaginary, symptoms I “presented” in the emergency room during an intense fear of Aids. Thrush was one of the worst things imaginable then…now, it the lesser of may evils!


Leila V. said...

Hmm, I do love a good self-diagnosis, especially one I've never heard of before. I'm sure my own self-diagnosis of thrush is not too far behind. Biotene here I come!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the product tip; dry mouth plagues both my husband and me. Funny about thrush now being relatively good news.
Looking back at the dawn of AIDS awareness, remember how it put herpes in perspective?

Barbora said...


Do I ever remember the dawn of AIDS awareness! It helped shape me into the hypochondriac I am today. Before AIDS, I used to worry about nuclear holocaust. Then things changed…globally. Before nuclear holocaust, I used to worry about going to hell, going to purgatory and getting cavities. I swear I must have been born this way.

Thank you also for your comment on the “It’s a Wonderful Life” post. It seems we do indeed have some common themes running. I’m sorry that your brother isn’t a little more present. That must be frustrating. As an only child, there is no one else…although, I’ve got to say I don’t get to do much for my Mom at all. She isn’t very accepting of help. We’ve argued on garbage night about carrying out the trash. Her objection to me carrying out the trash is that if she didn’t get the physical activity, she would just sit in her chair and do nothing at all except watch TV and feel even worse.

You’re right about being bored at work. It’s dangerous. I hope that taking some time off works and of course, good luck with the doctor shopping.