Thursday, March 29, 2007

I’ve Been SLIMED!

Today I went to my first appointment with my new psychiatrist here in Pennsylvania and I feel AWFUL! I don’t like or trust her at all. It was really (for lack of a better word) a yucky experience. Now I feel depressed and confused and slimed. I’m not sure if I’m being a precious, little snowflake of a consumer or if I really have cause to look elsewhere.

From the moment I entered the parking lot, I was turned off, by the cheesy vanity pate on what was obviously her shiny, new car.

Then she wanted to change all my medication. “No one prescribes Prozac or Valium these days.” She told me. (This is an out and out lie.) Maybe SHE has reason for prescribing other medications. If that’s the case, I would have appreciated hearing it straight. I’m open to discussion. I am just NOT going to STOP taking Prozac TODAY after 9+ years when I have this many symptoms going on and have an Otolaryngology appointment in two weeks. I am stressed out right now!

Regarding the Valium, I don’t think she understood that it’s NOT an open prescription that I’m looking for. I got my prescription (50 pills) filled before I left California. This is MORE than a year’s worth for me. What I would like in is the assurance that if I am ever in dire, vomiting, crying, shaking, hyperventilating CRISIS, my doctor will have the good sense to sedate me! Is that too much to ask? Oh hell! If that happened, I suppose I would just head back to ER.

She also wants me to see her FREQUENTLY (Way more frequently that any of my previous doctor ever saw me…even when I had the veritable, insurance, “Gold Card”). I explained to her that I didn’t have job and was paying out of pocket. She actually argued with me about this, saying “Your COBRA” will cover this, don’t worry.” I had to explain TWICE that I am not on COBRA and that because I am paying for entirely new coverage, pre-existing conditions will NOT be covered for the first year. She stopped arguing, but I don’t think she believed me about that.

Finally (this takes the cake)! After spending a ½ hour talking to her and describing my fear of disease and contagion, the woman INSISTED on my HUGGING HER in the crowded waiting room after our visit. That was inappropriate in my book!!! Inappropriate and disgusting. I am fortunately not in one of my super contagion-focused periods right now (ie: I didn’t need to shower when I got home) but am a bit grossed-out and think that was really insensitive for a psychiatrist.

Now I don’t know if I should try to find someone else, or just suck it up and go back to her next moth and allow her to experiment with me. When I told BF about the visit today, he asked would I go back to a hairdresser who treated me that way. The answer of course if “NO.’

BF taught me this about dentists and he was right. Dentists are aggressive salespeople. They will try to up-sell you on everything in the book and use their authority to shame, guilt and scare you into spending more than you intended to. The correct response with dentists is “Will my insurance cover this?”

Dentist: “Would you like the magic mouth wash?”
Barbora: “What is it for?”
Dentist: “It’s only $125”
Barbora: “What’s it for?”
Dentist: “uhh- it prevents plaque and cavities, will help you loose weight and improve your sex appeal!”
Barbora: “Will my insurance cover it?”
Dentist: “No”
End of conversation.

I’m still confused by today though.
Psychiatrists are not hairdressers or dentists.
I am the crazy one.
I am the potential addict.
I could be morally flawed.

The worst part is tonight I’m feeling so messed up…and I have an interview tomorrow morning (for a crap job, but in my field) and confession tomorrow night.

Who ever is reading, P-L-E-A-S-E send some good vibes my way.


Leila V. said...

The hug was definitely inappropriate. Especially coming from a psychiatrist! You'd think she'd be more sensitive, but then again maybe she was testing you for a reaction.

I think I'd give her one more shot. But by all means, you're justified in firing her now. It almost sounds like she has an ulterior motive.

Good luck on the interview!

BTW: That's a year's supply? Did you forget a zero? ;)

Barbora said...

Thanks, for the input and especially for the good wishes.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd give her another chance. But if you do, be ready with some questions for her--e.g., "why do you prescribe different meds", or whatever you want to know. Make her explain things to you. And start looking for her replacement now. That way you have options.

Good luck with the interview. From reading past posts, I think you will do well--you can muster at least the appearance of confidence and you are very articulate. I was really impressed with the way you handled the insurance crisis. You fixed in one day what would have taken me weeks. (If you ever want to be a personal assistant.....ah hever mind, you live too far away and I couldn't afford you anyway)

As for confession, may you get a compassionate priest who knows how to listen. A little spiritual comfort is definitely in order here.

Barbora said...

Thank you, Trish!

Your vote of confidence is greatly appreciated.