Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Depression is anger without enthusiasm.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Close Call (RE-call that is)!

Tonight BF and I were checking out at the grocery store. Things were proceeding apace until the checker came to a package of Nissan chow mein that wouldn’t scan properly. Finally he called an assistant manager over to asked the price.

“Oh, these have been recalled,” explained the assistant manager. The checker and assistant manager just stood there dumbly for a moment not knowing what to say next.

“I don’t want it,” I said.

The whole way home I though about what could have possibly contaminated the chow mein and what evil fate would have befallen me if I had consumed it.

When I couldn’t stand it any more, I had BF google on “chow mein recall.” He discovered that the SHRIMP chow mein contained…SHELLFISH!

Specifically it contained lobster and cod. Hell! I’d pay extra for lobster and cod. I suppose it could harm someone with a shellfish allergy…but if I knew I had a shellfish allergy, I’d stay away from shrimp-flavored cup-o-soup. Some imagined terrors are just that.

First the pho, then the chow mein...This was my second near-death by noodles experience! I better just stay away from the noodles.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I’m Still Here

I know I’ve been TERRIBLE lately. The new job is indeed cutting into the blogging activities. I will try to do better.