Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bless me father for I have sinned

It has been 31 years since my last confession.

Now that I’ve come back to the Roman Catholic Church, I find myself wanting to receive communion, but in order to do this, I am obligated to seek reconciliation. This means confessing my last 31 years of sins…boy, have I sinned! This is going to be more that just sneaking into the confessional in relative anonymity. It’s going to take a while. I am going to have to make an appointment and go over to the rectory one day with list in hand.

The though of doing this is terrifying.

I assume that priests are trained not to gasp, laugh or laugh & point, but still my stomach churns at the very thought of it.


Anonymous said...

Don't envy you that. One advantage of the old box--if they didn't actually laugh out loud, you could pretty much convince yourself they were taking it seriously. I imagine as an adult you can just sort of hit the high points. Have you thought of taking the classes they give to converts? A friend of mine went through them, and she has a much more grown up understanding of the faith than I ever will having left at 18 and never returned).

Barbora said...

If it's recommended that I participate in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)I will absolutely do it.

"High points"?? ;)
I think you mean LOW points.

BTW:I made the call (gulp) and have an appointment next week.

Anonymous said...

RCIA--that's it. It sounded so interesting I might have liked to take the classes too, except for the minor fact that I'm pretty much an atheist/agnostic with occasional excursions into buddhism and pantheism. Don't think they would have accepted me into the program :-)

Okay, you're right: "low points". Either way, just the big ones. I hope you get a good priest; that can make all the difference. Please let us know how it goes.

Leila V. said...

Good luck with the confessing. Thirty-one years of sins should take a while. See you next year.

I'm holding out for a religion that offers heaven without church.