Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lust for Life

God Bless Iggy Pop! Stage diving at 60!

Defying the odds and risk factors. Just think risk factors and Iggy Pop. Imagine the possibilities. This is someone who is indeed “lucky to be alive.” Iggy’s certainly got a lust for life.

When I read this article in the morning, my first thought was “Oh, too bad I wasn’t back in the Bay Area. I could have seen Iggy Pop at the Warfield!”

Then after consideration, I realized, I would NEVER go see Iggy Pop at the Warfield!

This man has been known to SPIT on audience members.

I am way too much of a pussy to go see Iggy Pop. I admit I am just NOT that cool. Frankly, I was NEVER that cool. Oz Fest? No problem! I know how to stay out of the mosh pit…but NOT Iggy Pop! I can probably imagine many of the unwholesome things that have paid a visit to Iggy Pop’s mouth, and can definitively say that I wouldn’t want the guy spitting on me.

Stage diving at 60 is indeed inspirational, though!

I thought celebrating my 40th birthday in Vegas and seeing Blue Man Group was just the cat’s ass. I guess I am really an old fart.

Anyway…It blows me away that “Lust for Life” has become the anthem for family-friendly cruises.

Happy Birthday Iggy!


Leila V. said...

While I have no idea who Iggy Pop is, I'll guarantee you won't find me at any show where being spit upon is a possibility. But truthfully, I won't go to any shows period, (including the movies).

Lacy said...

Blue man group Rocked out when i saw them in NYC! Hope you had a super fab time!

Anonymous said...

I've bet you've never heard of Casey Kasem, either.

Barbora said...

Oh Leila!

I am OFICIALLY an old fart!

Iggy Pop!?!

Have you ever heard of The Clash or The Sex Pistols? Back in my day, there was this new, musical genre called “Punk.”

Aahh…you probably barely recall “Grunge.” ; )



Yes, Vegas for my 40th was Great!


Barbora said...

Ok! ok! My boyfriend (aka: “BF,” Ryan Seacrest”) is seven years younger than me: A fact that he will NEVER let me forget.

At first BF made a little joke about not knowing who the Beatles or the Rolling Stones were.


Then! A few years ago, BF and I went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to see a retrospective of Yoko Ono’s work, with my ex-husband and the gal he was seeing at the time (a fairly well-known cartoon artist, about 8 years my senior).

BF behaved himself until almost the end of the exhibit. Finally, when he couldn’t stand it any more, in a crowed room, he turned to my ex-husband’s new partner and asked, “Who is this Yoko Ono anyway? Was she very influential?” Her mouth dropped open. “Uh, Do you know who John Lennon was?” she asked with hesitation. Poker-faced, BF jumped right in with “Oh Yeah, he’s the guy who tried to shoot Ronald Regan, isn’t he?”

People around the room turned and looked aghast. I nearly peed my pants, I was hold back from laughing so hard!!!

Leila V. said...

You've won that bet.

Look on the bright side, you're a hip old fart!

Leila V. said...

OMG! We must have commented simultaneously! That is too funny! BF is hillarious!

Barbora said...

I've spelled "Reagan" wrong. Time for bed. It's been a log day.