Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Rose By Any Other Name

It’s funny, but only in the last two weeks have I been self-identifying as a hypochondriac! I’ve been perfectly o.k. with “Anxiety,” “Panic,” and “Obsessive Compulsive,” but NEVER “Hypochondriac.” For some reason, this kind of felt embarrassing/shameful to me. Like “hypochondriac” and “histrionic” were synonymous in some way, and “histrionic” is the kind of word ONLY my ex-husband would have used to describe me. I’m actually pretty good under pressure, as long as it’s not literally life and death (specifically MY life and death).

But now that I’ve embraced it, the term “hypochondriac” suits me perfectly. I’ve had seven HIV tests and two biopsies. I am now convinced it must be mad cow disease (but that’s a whole other story). Looks like we’re going to be snowed in, so I may get the opportunity to tell my terrible tale tomorrow.


Leila V. said...

Welcome to the club. I guess hypos are theatrical by nature.

Ironically, OCD is the most embarrassing for me to admit.

dave said...

I think all cows must be mad anyway. I mean, have you seen the way they look at you when you drive by?

I'd be pissed, too if people were constantly tipping me over when I slept.

Lacy said...

So...for a while, I couldn't like, fess up to the fact that it was okay to be a hypo. But, over time, I've come to embrace the fact that it really is a condition that I have...my form of OCD if you will. Now, I just deal with it....congrats, like leila said! Welcome to the club.