Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Business Lunch

Today was my second day at my new job. So far so good….although I’m still in the “Oh! My God! I hope I’m up to the challenge!” phase.

I left this wonderful stress-free job..Why did I have to go and upset the applecart? Etc…

I remind myself of course that I’m making almost double what I did at that stress-free job and that this position is comparable to the last professional position I held. Fundraising is my career path and if I look at it objectively, I am right on track (especially considering I just relocated here in October).

I’m not a socio-phobe, but I do have enough social anxiety going on that going on that going out and asking people for large amounts of money keeps my brain out the existential cesspool. So, this is actually “good” for me.

There is just so damn much information to absorb, that I’m totally overwhelmed and a bit scatter-brained as a result. Yesterday in the rush of getting ready to leave in the morning, I left the beautiful lunch I packed on the bed right in front of the dog’s crate. When I got home last night and let Mr. Twister out, he exploded out of his crate and made a b-line for the warm antipasto salad! Poor little bastard probably smelled it all day!

I’m working in a very small office right now and it is a little strange, especially after being at such a large for-profit corporation, albeit briefly. The group I work with now, all meet for lunch at the table in our break-room. We all sit-down to lunch together the way a family sits down to dinner. We each have our own “place” at the table. We typically each bring our own food to the table, although yesterday, the President treated us, since the “brand-new development gal” forgot her lunch. It’s part of the corporate culture and is therefore important. I am making the effort to fit in although it is my strong preference to eat in the privacy of my office.

BTW: I still have about an hour commute each way as the completion of our new headquarters is about a month away. Everything is going to change when we move into the new office. It’s really going to be a beautiful new setting…and yes, VERY close to home. I can’t wait. On a good day, I’ll be able to leave the house at 7:58 am, Go home for lunch and then leave for the day at 4:02pm. Unfortunately, as an exempt, salaried, professional, I’ll probably be able to do this less than 2 weeks out of the year.


Unknown said...

Good Luck at the new job not that you'll need it. According to the stars this is the year for a Scorpio to shine and make lots of money. I know this because my sister & mother fall under the same sign. My sister has been climbing the ladder all year with no end in sight !

Leila V. said...

Congratulations! I'll take a little more stress for double the money.

Personally, I have to eat my lunch alone at my desk. However, I can eat a piece of cake in a common area

Lacy said...

praying this all goes well for you, lady!

Dave B. said...

Wow, sounds very exciting. I just went through everything you're experiencing. Very stressful and overwhelming. Unfortunately, I guess it was too overwhelming, as they decided to let me go after a month. Now I'm feeling very much out of sorts.

Anyway, best of luck and keep us posted as to how it's going.
